
NeuGrape is Skyherb’s proprietary France origin Grape Seed Extract.  NeuGrape Features:

1. Possible adulterations
Apart from HPTLC, proanthocyanidins can also help identify adulterated grape seed extracts: B-type proanthocyanidins are rich in grape seeds, while A-type proanthocyanidins, which are mainly found in peanut skin, plum, cranberry and cinammon, are also present in large amount in some of the grape seed extracts available on the market.* B-type proanthocyanidins are signature components in NeuGrape.

ORAC value

ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) is an important index for antioxidant capacity. While generic grape seed extracts on the market feature an ORAC value around 8000μmole TE/g, the ORAC value of NeuGrape reaches as high as 15000μmole TE/g.

Pesticide residue concern

Pesticides are still widely used in grape plantations in certain countries worldwide, including carbendazim: the broad-spectrum benzimidazole fungicide that triggered the panic over orange juice in 2012. Thanks to Skyherb’s strict control on raw material, NeuGrape is safe to be used in both US and EU markets.