Efficiency demonstrated in a randomised, double-blind vs placebo study

A panel of 34 people (Skin phototypes IV and V) has received a 100mg food supplement of Cosmythic® consisting in 2 daily intakes of 50mg during 56 days. The results have been measured by a spectrocolorimeter (Minolta® CM700-d) on the 3 parameters L, a and b.

  • Parameter L measures skin lightening (from the darkest to the lightest).
  • Parameter a measures the spectrum from the green to the red.
  • Parameter b measures the spectrum from the blue to the yellow.

After a 56-day treatment using Cosmythic®, a significant decrease in parameter b, the yellow pigment of the skin (p=0,0147), can be observed.


Skin lightening is dramatically improved after a 56-day treatment (p=0,07) whereas no significant variation can be observed for the placebo group.


Parameter ITA is a skin luminosity indicator. The higher the parameter is, the more the skin pigmentation decreases.

ITA° =

[Arc tan ((l*-50)/b*] x 180/∏


After a 56-day treatment using Cosmythic®, parameter ITA has dramatically decreased (p= 0,0162) whereas no significant variation had been observed for the group receiving the placebo treatment.

Cosmythic® is a high PCOs level natural extract of Landes pine bark. It is manufactured in France by Purextract®.

It meets the strictest requirements regarding food safety thus fitting with Appendix 2 of the “Arrêté Plantes” (decree on plants). Cosmythic® is also in accordance with the US pharmacopoeia.

For further information, info@purextract.fr

Nutrafoods : skin-lightening and anti-aging effect of a food supplement containing pinus pinaster extract, Yannick Piriou, September 2014, volume 13, issue 3, pp 123-131